Wednesday, August 16, 2006

ICT and healthcare - networking session in Helsinki

At the IST Event 2006 in Helsinki from 21 to 23 November 2006, I am planning to hold a networking session dedicated to ICT and healthcare on behalf of my company Eurescom, the R&D organisation of European telecoms network operators.

The title of the networking session is "How can ICT improve Healthcare? Research topics for FP7".

This interdisciplinary session will bring together ICT and healthcare experts for identifying innovative demands and research topics for EU Framework Programme 7. The guiding question is, which new ICT solutions are needed to enable the healthcare sector, including the care for the elderly, to become more efficient and effective.

To facilitate a dialogue between ICT and healthcare experts, the Café Conversation format is used: in three rounds, small groups of changing composition will discuss the guiding question.

The networking session will have two main results:

1. A group of experts from ICT and the health sector, who are interested in interdisciplinary collaboration for exploring innovative solutions in the healthcare sector.

2. An initial set of important research topics for FP7 in the area of ICT and healthcare.

For sustaining the discussion, Eurescom is providing a mailing-list on ICT and healthcare, which is open to everyone interested. Please let me know, if you wish to be included.

The exact date of the 90-minute networking session needs to be decided yet.

Further information is available on
the networking session page


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