Monday, January 09, 2006

Social bookmarking - sharing bookmarks has become popular

Private content production on the web is growing in importance. After sharing music and videos via peer-to-peer networks, photos via content platforms and news or opinions via blogs, the latest trend is sharing personal bookmarks.

Social bookmarking means that users save a personal collection of bookmarks and share them via a web platform. The growing popularity of social bookmarking is due to the fact that it is very easy and very convenient.

The pioneer of social bookmarking is, a platform launched in 2003 and since December 2005 owned by Yahoo. The potential of social bookmarking is significant, because it can be used for creating social page ranks in search engines, as tried at CollaborativeRank under the roof of



Wikipedia entry on social bookmarking

Social Bookmarking Tools
D-Lib Magazine, April 2005, Volume 11 Number 4
(I). A General Review
(II) A Case Study - Connotea

Tag, You're It: Best Bookmarker
Wired News, 9 October 2005

Folksonomies Tap People Power
Wired News, 1 February 2005

Link Blogging - Social bookmarking systems should merge with the blogosphere
Blog by Sukumar, June 5, 2005


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